
Jamur Crispy Yummy by Meeee :3

hari Sabtu yang lalu pas nganterin ibu ke pasar, ga sengaja ngeliat dan tiba2 pgn masak jamur...

dan finally.. belilah seperempat.. dan dpt lumayan bnyk.. sampe rumah, berhubung lg ga puasa *hehehe*, ku cucilah jamur2 itu sampaiiiii bersih, lalu ditiriskan.. nah, ada resepnya juga nih.. semoga bisa berguna yawwwwwwh :3 :p

jamur tiram secukupnya

bahan tepung adonan :
tepung kobe/ tepungsiap saji apa pun itu
1 gelas air es

tapi kalo mau buat adonan sendiri tanpa tepung instan bisa juga kok.. tapi aku rada lupa ini x_x hahaha inideh ya, kira2 doang :p *cmiiw..

bahan adonan buatan sendiri :
tepung terigu secukupnya *kira2 setengah mangkok*
1 sdt garam
1 sdt gula
1 sdt lada
1 gelas air es

* cara membuat jika menggunakan tepung instan :
cuci jamur hingga bersih dan tiriskan

masukan tepung bumbu instan kedalam wadah, tuang air es secukupnya. tidak terlalu kental dan tidak terlalu cair

masukkan jamur kedalam adonan 

siapkan tepung bumbu kering (letakkan tepung bumbu instan di wadah terpisah)

guling2kan/ bubuhi jamur dengan tepung kering

diamkan beberapa saat 5-10 mnt hingga bumbu meresap

panaskan minyak, goreng jamur

angkat, tiriskan...

jamur siap untuk dihidangkan.....

nb : dalam adonan tdk perlu ditambahkan garam/ bumbu2, soalnya kan ditepungnya udah ada bumbu :3

* cara membuat dengan tepung buatan sendiri
campurkan tepung dan semua bumbu, campur dengan air es secukupnya hingga menjadi adonan yang tidak terlalu kental dan tidak terlalu cair

masukkan jamur yang telah dicuci bersih ke dalam adonan yang telah disiapkan

diamkan 15-20 menit agar bumbu meresap

panaskan minyak, goreng jamur

angkat, tiriskan...

jamur siap untuk dihidangkan.....

nb : jika ingin menambahkan rasa bisa menggunakan perasa bbq, keju, balado, dll sesuai selera, bnyk dijual di supermarket. masukkan jamur ke dalam tempat makan, taburkan perasa sesuai selera, kocok..

naaaaaaaah.. mudah bukaaaaan :3

ini nih penampakan hasil jamur dalam bayangan ku, crispy crispy syahdu makyus gimana gitu...

tapi malah jadinya seperti ini -_- *nb: adonan menggunakan tepung bumbu instan* tapi yaaah lumayan deh ya, maklum masih amatir :p

selamaaaat berpuasaaaa :3


Sigh *again again and agaaaaaiiin :(


yeaaah serba salah.. ke sini salah, ke situ salah, ke mana2 salah.. ngga ngerti :(
sudah laaaah.. :(
make it easier please..
talk to me clearly..!
i dont know what should i do..
i dont want to........
i dont know what do you want from me :(
i cant catch it..
too blur..
cant see everything clearly
too hard to understand if you dont say it at the point..
semua serba salah -_-


Life is about Choice

B – C – D
Birth – C – Death

Yeaaaah.. C is for Choice, as long as we live we have to choice.. in every thing..

Dalam hidup kita harus mampu memilih, baik dalam waktu yang lama, atau singkat. Kita harus memilih tanpa tau apa ujung yang nanti akan kita temui. Seperti misalnya kita tersesat di dalam hutan, ada banyak jalan menuju entah kemana yang kita tidak tahu. Kita juga harus memilih apakah kita harus stay saja dengan perlengkapan seadanya dan tinggal di dalam hutan atau menunggu pertolongan orang yang entah kapan datangnya. Atau kita keep moving mencari-cari jalan keluar yang kita belum tau bagaimana ujungnya entah kita berhasil atau malah mati karena jatuh ke jurang atau dimakan hewan buas. 

After choice is consequence yeaaahh.. that’s so true.. if you make a decision, choice, you have to take the consequence. And you have to take the responsibility of your decision. If you fall to the wrong way, you have to fix it, make it right, get up, and trust me you have to make many decisions for more. But it’s life. World will never stop just because you fall. Life must goes on, dude! If you fall, you still have to choice, should you get up or just lay down on the cold hard ground.. 

Choice.. sounds so easy, but if you have to make a decision in short time and for your future which will make big change for your life, it’s totally hard. You have to make it sure that your decision is the best choice for you, you don’t want to disappointed with your own decision, right? 

If you’ve chose something, you have to try your best to make it well, no.. not just well, but best.. don’t regret it, just enjoy it. And be grateful to Allah, I’m pretty sure that there are many people out there who really want to be you, you’re lucky.. 
Pray, is the best thing to know that your choice is good or bad. God will help you. If your heart full of doubtfulness, don’t do it, try to hear your heart voice.
I’m just an ordinary girl who fall in love with a man whom in a relationship with another woman. Does he love me? Yes, he does. But does he still with her? Yes, he does. Are you hurting? Yes, I am..
Career ChoicesI don’t know what should I do, should I give up or just do it, I mean keep it without know where we go. This is too hard, he made me fell, he caught me, waked me up, then now I don’t know what will he do, does he want to hold me, or let me go.. ah too complicated. Sometimes I’m wondering “is he for me, is he my soulmate”, but still have no answer. Now, I try to be patient, time will bring me to the answer.. yeah, even though I have to feel this feeling..
That’s the kind of choice, she have to take any consequences of her decision. I hope she will get the best result ya J
Life is about movement, so keep move and make good decisios, choose wisely and honestly ;)




pas buka timeline di facebook melihat salah satu teman saya menulis status yang isinya kurang lebih "may i borrow your shoulder....? blablablabla....."
well, im in that situation too.. i dunno why but feel fragile. i hate this feeling. i hate being weak.. 

do you need a shoulder? yes i need.. what do you do with that shoulder? i dunno, may be just leaning on or maybe just feel my tears drop from my eyes. no... i dont ask you to be.. :) dont worry i can lean on my pillow :p 

why you look so sad darl? Just not feeling well. there is something wrong on my mind and on my heart.. 

well you can tell me, maybe you will be better after you talk to me :) i dunno im feeling blue for couple days. im not sure that im in a good mood, and i think im a bit weird.. sometimes im happy, sometimes i can handle myself, sometimes i can't, sometimes i just like "uuuummm dont worry im okay.." with the masking smile, sometimes i try to be okay and try to pretend that everything is okay, sometimes im going mad, sometimes im being so sensitive, sometimes i just like "aaaaah.. leave me alone, i dont wanna talk to you, i dont wanna meet you.." but out of the blue i just "you're so mean, why you leave me alone, huh?! don't you think about me, don't you love me blablablablabla.." yeaaah drama queen -_-

oookaaaaay.. are you in a relationship?? ummmm yeaaah maybee.. dunno -_-

why you don't know? ummm it's not clear enough


oo.. oo.. okaay.. don't be angry on me.. i just want to help you.. OKAAAY, IM SO SORRY, OKAY NEXT QUESTION PLEASE !

do you miss him ? eh -_- no ! i dont miss him.. :( 

are you sure ?? Yeaaaaah :(  no.. maybe... actually i miss him so bad.. really, so much.. :(

so why don't you talk to him ? i did :(

and his reaction ? he said that he missed me too. but he dont know how much i miss him. i miss our long convo, our night convo, our laugh we used to, and everything that we've done.. he is busy now.. and im trying to understand, but sometimes i can't.. :(

from all of that you've said, i think you really love him, is that true? yeaaaah i do, im in to deep -_- but i don't know, sometimes this feeling is killing me.. and it's hurt :(

why you said that it's killing you? he loves you, right?  yeah, he said "i love you so much.." to me..

so, what's the problem? many problems between us..

really? but i don't see it, maybe your subconcious mind do that, not him. i mean yourself who make the problem and make it big and you try to hide and blame him about what happened on your own mind . *silence, no answer*

why don't you answer my question?? i'm thinking.. maybe you're right, the one who deserve to be blamed is me.. im too childish.. sometimes im worry about something that hasn't happened and something that might not be happen.. sometimes im being spoiled, and ask for more attention, even though i know that he's busy.. am i selfish? yeaaah i admit it, im a selfish person.. but i'm good enough and worth enough to fight for.. hahahah

yeaaah i know, don't be sad dear, but if you want to cry.. you can cry.. you can cry on my shoulder or on your pillow if you don't have any shoulder to use.. :p ARE YOU KIDDING ME -_- IM SO SAD NOW, BUT YOU PLAY ON THIS.... !  oh yaaa, by the way, thanks for listen my "uneg-uneg" im better now... Yeah, it's okay, you can count on me, i'll help you as long as you appreciate me.. i love youuu.. i lovee youuu so muchhh taaaan....

remember tan, you're prettier than you expect, stronger than you seem, braver than you believe, better than you know, and loveworthy than you think you are.. awwww thanks dear, it helps, and mean a lot :3
